Messy Nessies

Messy Nessies

Facebook Group

Posted 2018-02-23 by Suefollow
Messy themed classes for children ages 6 months - 5yr.

Days at home with a toddler by yourself can seem endless. Once all the pots and pans have been pulled out of the kitchen cupboards and the contents of the toy box is covering the living room floor (what colour was the carpet again?), you begin itching to get out, just to save your home from being turned inside out.

Baby and toddler groups can be a monotonous conveyer belt of plastic tea cups and cold church halls, which after time can feel a bit listless. For me, I was looking for something more interactive to help keep my energetic one year old properly engaged. Thankfully after some searching, I came across [Link ].

Based on Burgh Ball Street in Partick, the venue is a short walk from the train station, which makes it easily accessible to those who don't drive (and for those who do, there is plenty of parking).

Pamela, who runs the group is everything you'd want a toddler group leader to be. She is welcoming and friendly and makes sure that all children (and parents!) are happy and fully involved – nobody is left on the sidelines.

As soon as you enter the door to , the atmosphere of fun and playfulness hits you, leaving you singing along to Disney songs and rolling up your sleeves in no time.

This sense of fun truly carries across into the activities that Pamela offers, which are both stimulating and of a high quality. The room is an abundance of colours and textures and each activity has its own unique and fun learning merit, meaning that the children are developing skills without even knowing it, all the while having fun and getting messy!

Each week, children get to explore a new theme. Whether it's a book or special day, such as Valentine's Day, Pamela incorporates appropriate activities so the child's play is somewhat focused, but at the same time, completely free and unstructured.

The sessions are as you'd imagine, always messy and offer a way of play, which most people just can't carry out in their own homes (unless you want to spend hours getting jelly and shaving foam out of the DVD player!). Her ideas for sensory play are so clever that each week you are bound to be surprised.

At £6.50 a session (there is also the option to buy blocks of 4 for £24), the class really is great value for money and worth every penny.

It takes a lot to tire my son out, but after a session at , he is both content and exhausted from running around with children of a similar age in a safe, fun and stimulating environment.

My advice to anyone heading to a class for the first time is to take a change of clothes or two for your wee ones that you don't mind getting wet or a bit dirty. And prepare for a morning full of fun!

When: Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays

Where: Burgh Hall St, Glasgow G11

For more information and class timetables, visit the [Link Facebook page here].

Read [Link Kids Art and Craft Classes, Glasgow]

#kid Friendly

[INTRO Based in Partick, offers messy themed classes for children ages 6 months - 5yr. Children have a ball and best of all, no mess at home for you to clean up!]

27812 - 2022-03-02 17:36:19


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