Insurance that rewards you for an active lifestyle!
As parents, we're more than familiar with tackling those daily decisions to keep the family ticking, but there are also some bigger choices that need our attention. One of which is Health and Life Insurance – with countless services available, how do you know which one is right for your family?
Introducing [Link Health Rewards], this is Scotland’s leading provider of Vitality Health and Life Insurance. They truly believe in the power of a healthy and active lifestyle and their mission is to encourage as many people as possible to take those first steps in becoming fitter and healthier.
As well as protecting you when things go wrong, [Link Health Rewards] will help you and your family to lead a healthier life, meaning you don’t have to claim to be able to benefit. As a huge well done for taking those positive steps, Health Rewards offer some pretty incredible benefits that are bound to keep you motivated. Their philosophy is simple – award-winning cover that rewards you for being healthy!
What are the rewards for you?
75% discount on luxury health breaks at [Link Champneys Spa Resorts].
Weekly Cinema Ticket at [Link VUE] or [Link Cineworld].
50% off running shoes from [Link Sweatshop].
Up to 40% off [Link Garmin] and [Link Polar] devices.
8 Vitality Points for completing a [Link Parkrun] or 5 points for Volunteering.
Up to 40% off [Link British Airways]*.
Up to 50% off Monthly membership gym fees at [Link Virgin Active] and selected [Link Nuffield Health] clubs*.
6 months [Link Weight Watchers] for only £30… go to 2 classes each month and get another 6 months free. Reach your target weight and Health Rewards will refund your £30.
Earn a [Link Apple Watch Series 4]*.
Get an [Link Amazon Prime Membership] for £7.99 per month.
And for the kids?
Up to 25% off at [Link Disney Store].
Access to the Vitality Kids Zone featuring Recipes and Games from Disney Characters.
* Weekly Cinema Ticket at [Link VUE] or [Link Cineworld].
50% off trainers from [Link Sweatshop].
50% off a [Link Garmin Vivoactive Jnr] to encourage your kids to be active.
The chance to win prizes such as trips to Disneyland Paris – and more!
Rewards vary depending on your Vitality Status*. Please see website for more information. As a member of Team Health Rewards, each day they will bring you the latest health news, fitness advice and opportunities to get active across Glasgow.
For more information about Health Rewards and their terms and conditions, visit the [Link website here] or call 0800 881 5666.
#sponsored Articles
[INTRO Health Rewards is Scotland’s leading provider of Vitality Health and Life Insurance. As a huge well done for taking those positive steps, Health Rewards offer some pretty incredible benefits that are bound to keep you motivated. Their philosophy is simple – award-winning cover that rewards you for being healthy!]